The Internet is a great source for inspiration and knowledge but it can also be a void into which we delve only to discover that the quick half an hour turns into two hours which out much achieved and a house still full of mess.
One of my resolutions at the start of 2010 was to not only be inspired but to act on those inspirations, I'm also trying to tune into more informative "food for the brain" websites and podcasts. So today I thought I would shared some of these with you....
- The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) has so many great podcasts that are easy to download and completely free - Start the Week a 45 minute radio show hosted by journalist Andrew Marr covers every conceivable topic and really gets those cogs turning.
- I subscribe to updates from the skin care company Aesop - each month when the monthly updates hits my inbox I'm in raptures, concise, funny and a font of knowledge from great wines to great pod casts and music (and a little on their products).
- Persephone Books "Persephone Books reprints neglected classics by C20th (mostly women) writers. Each one in our collection of 88 books is intelligent, thought-provoking and beautifully written, and most are ideal presents or a good choice for reading groups"
- Faculty of Philosophy Podcasts - Cambridge University, OK so not every one's cup of tea but check it out, they have a Philosophy of wine podcast - sip and listen!
- Twitter SarahBrown2010 and Mammamia are my hot fav's, the former is Sarah Brown wife of the ex British PM leans a bit to the left but she's passionate about women's issues and child health, providing informative links and updates on charities across the globe.
- GOOP Blog written by Gwyneth Paltrow - great recipes, info on kids, thought provoking posts written by Gwyneth or guest writers.
- The Guardian Online - British Newspaper internet site that has everything you might want to know tucked away somewhere, amazing interviews, travel information, recipes, gardening tips - you name it it's here...