Continued Thaw in Hostile Relations... But NO fun with Felt!

granny love..., originally uploaded by dottieangel.

In an effort to prevent hostile relations the 'other' (less pretty) half insists I'm not to go near my mother in-laws Scanpans or cream granite bench tops to dye my felt - as most of our stuff is in storage including our thrifted pots and pans my felting dreams have been quashed - for now...... (after the curious incident of the "escapee bronzing pearl on the plush cream carpet" affair I'm forced to concede that I do have 'form'....)

A flat week in all, very few posts and not even inspired to add an entry to Desk Thursday, thank goodness for Emma Lamb with this beauty! Sans abode and curios around me I'm in an inspiration drought, cast adrift in treacherous waters - one felt dye disaster and I'll be shark bait!

Thank goodness for DottieAngel (I know again!) - who is credited in being the author and owner of the wonderful Granny Love image above, bless her. Dottie's post on the chickens, the 'c' word and puppy poo kept me entertained and smiling today... thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the hostile relations... how much longer? Those posts you mentioned were pretty fabulous, as is that gorgeous photo :)
    Keep your chin up, babe! K
