Home Inspiration Wabi Sabi

Image from 'Simple Home' by Mark and Sally Bailey

The following extract is from wikipedia and was the best example I could find on the web that described the concept of Wabi-Sabi. The attached images are what I could imagine connote a wabi-sabi home interiors with a more western tone.
Wabi-Sabi represents a comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience... beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete" .... understated elegance....It can also refer to quirks and beauty or serenity. Wabi now connotes rustic simplicity, freshness or quietness, and can be applied to both natural and man-made objects. Sabi is beauty or serenity that comes with age....

The idea of being surrounded by natural, changing, unique objects helps us connect to our real world and escape potentially stressful distractions....
Image from 'Simple Home' by Mark and Sally Bailey

Finn's Blue Chair.

Image from Design.Sponge

We Like.... Wonderous Wallpapers

I grew up in a house where all but the kitchen, hall, stairs and living area had papered walls, all in ascetically pleasing, tasteful patterns that blended in perfectly with the house and countryside surrounds... HOWEVER, re-decorating was a nightmare... There are currently so many wondrous, delightful and sometimes wacky wallpaper designs out there I'm almost tempted and truly covet some of these amazing pieces of work to add to my new walls but the joy looses it's appeal when I picture myself armed with metal scrapper, wet sponge and a sweat beaded brow in years to come - because at some point the fabulous wallpaper will need replacing if not due to ware and tear but faded appeal or boredom.

Vivienne Westwood Wallpaper Image from Cole-and-son

I've added some of the wallpapers above and below that are currently tempting me out of my sensible and perhaps 'boring' interior designing ways....

Barnaby Gates Wallpaper Designs... Butterflies and Bugs available at Rocketstgeorge

But there is a compromise... RocketstGeorge sell wall papers that hang as art work - you can purchase the perspex rod along with wallpaper and hang from your ceiling or wall (no sweat or sticking or scrapping required!) see above and click here to find out more.