BackYard.... Story so Far...

We've said goodbye to a spa, a palm tree, a garden bed and our blue wall. Now we have a small spot of grass, a more uniform, lighter and useable back yard. The spa had to go to make more space and also for safety Finn was getting more and more fixated by the water and I didn't feel comfortabe leaving him out there alone with temptation so for space, sanity and safety good bye to the last bastion our former child free lives!!

There are still a few more plants to plant, cushions to make for the day bed and we ran out of pebbles for the garden bed but its far better than it was! Now I can look forward to lazy, sunny sundays and general mulling around with Finn and Clement the Westie.




Welcome Spring!

Think Pink!, originally uploaded by mollieandfinn.

Not that today show's much sign of it - but yesterday was the first offical day of spring... Time for some fresh spring tones - like the beautiful pink used in this image....

& ..... time for our little herb garden to Bloom!!!