Indian Summer....

Image above design sponge.

The weather in Sydney has been so lovely of late, warm sunny days with crystal clear blue skies... I've postponed the planting of my tulips and hyacinths until the weather cools - which it did on the weekend, and I've been able to plant some sweet pea's and more herbs (Bergamot) and herb seeds (Borage) which are currently soaking up the sun each morning I rush out to check if they've grown or sprouted....

Image from Toast

I hope your all either enjoying an Australian Indian summer or a delightful sunny spring in Europe and America.....

Secret's Out!

OK, Am I the last to know that you can purchase goods from Anthropologie online and they ship to Australia!?....

Bloganista outfit #2

Bloganista outfit #2, originally uploaded by mollieandfinn.

Dress: Country Road (it's actually a Nightdress)
Shoes: Seed Femme
Bag: Seed Femme

Getting the last wear out of summer items - as Sydney enjoys an indian summer :)

So, what's occuring? ....

I'm so into this new(ish) online shop Blodwen, the concept is fantastic two girls from country wales (UK) wanting to revive and keep old traditions and handcrafts alive in turn providing a economic boast to the area and country that they so obviously adore.

I'm sure I'm not alone in appreciating the revival of handmade objects which seem to absorb the effort and skill that went into their making, it's also much nicer knowing its that had that personal touch than something that's been mass produced by a machine and most of the time they are literally one of a kind objects. Lush!

I've a string of birthday's coming up in the UK so I'm wish listing up a few items - plus one or two Christmas presents for myself... (but can I wait THAT long?!)