3 Wonderful things....

I'd like to share three beautiful things with you today.

Beautiful item #1 is this stunning table cloth pictured below which belonged to my mother-in-law and now me - Yippeee! It was hand embroidered and crocheted by her mother-in-law - Anna.

We were going through some cupboards yesterday to make some room for our still yet to be unpacked boxes and out fell a bundle of crocheted pieces and this table cloth which I instantly fell in love with - isn't it Divine? The plan is to get some of the other smaller pieces framed and give them to Anna's Great, Great Grandchildren...

Beautiful item #2 - Evie's Flowers by Belle and Boo. I was so excited (again!) when I found this on etsy especially as it's called 'Evie's flowers' and is for a little princess called Evie who's getting christened this Sunday... the packaging alone was worth the purchase - I love the bunny rabbit and of course the print is just SO LOVELY!

Beautiful item #3 - practical and pretty, I purchased some knitted storage containers from tinylittlestitches on Etsy and they arrived this week on the same day as the Evie's flowers print... they are the most gorgeous colour and are made from up/recycled wool....

Desk Thursday_20th August 2009

The day started so grey and turned out so warm and sunny - Finn and I strolled to the shops, Finn on his trike me pushing and purchased some herbs and found some discarded children's gardening tools left out for the council clean-up - a sign from Mother Earth?!.... There has also been some time to re-visit my screen printing designs... YEY! For Sunny Days...

Continued Thaw in Hostile Relations... But NO fun with Felt!

granny love..., originally uploaded by dottieangel.

In an effort to prevent hostile relations the 'other' (less pretty) half insists I'm not to go near my mother in-laws Scanpans or cream granite bench tops to dye my felt - as most of our stuff is in storage including our thrifted pots and pans my felting dreams have been quashed - for now...... (after the curious incident of the "escapee bronzing pearl on the plush cream carpet" affair I'm forced to concede that I do have 'form'....)

A flat week in all, very few posts and not even inspired to add an entry to Desk Thursday, thank goodness for Emma Lamb with this beauty! Sans abode and curios around me I'm in an inspiration drought, cast adrift in treacherous waters - one felt dye disaster and I'll be shark bait!

Thank goodness for DottieAngel (I know again!) - who is credited in being the author and owner of the wonderful Granny Love image above, bless her. Dottie's post on the chickens, the 'c' word and puppy poo kept me entertained and smiling today... thanks!

Did You Know....?

1. That 3 chickens provide 15 eggs per week?

2. That food colouring acts as a safe and eco friendly dye for un-coloured felt?

... Life post move is proving to be just as hectic and I do enjoy moments of just being able to sit and day dream. So when my mind gets to wonder, it takes a stroll to my imaginary house, garden, dog and chickens which are all out there and waiting for me to find them (surely?). Most of the thoughts are verging towards the imaginary garden and to assist in cultivating this imaginary garden I've been browsing the net and books, discovering the delightful chloesgarden.blogspot.com and getting garden envy from the very lovely Lauren's ever evolving homestead at purestylehome.blogspot.com

Sheherazade Goldsmith's "A Slice of Organic life" is also a great source of inspiration with ideas and tips on gardening with tiny patios to small holdings - it even has a step by step guide to making your own vegtable/herb box - something else to add to my 'to do' list...

I'm bursting with visions and ideas, I hope it's not too long until we find somewhere!

One major bonus to living with the inlaws is that I get to enjoy their garden in particular the magnolia tree which is in full bloom and smells so wonderful - I'll be adding it to the plant wish list.

....Oh and the felt, well the screen printing designs have come to a full stop (mentally) so inspired by Kylie over at 3sheets (who is a master felter and always leaves such lovely comments on this blog) I decided to purchase some felt and bash out a few ideas that are floating around next to the imaginary garden. Pietrina at the feltcraftstudio was so wonderful and helpful (also - it was great to be able to source some supplies locally) thanks heaps Pietrina - I'm sure I'll be in touch soon with questions!

Here's to NON - Hostile Relations!

Sadly we have now packed up and vacated our little beachside abode. The 67 sqm's provided us with four wonderful years of shelter and happiness. Our journey as a family started there and we will take with us such fond memories of fun, laughter the occasional tear - but it is time to move on.

After a hectic weekend of packing, lifting and cleaning we're now temporarily stationed with - THE INLAWS! As kind and hospitable as they are our standards of house keeping are different, they lean towards the stepford wives 'immaculate' - with dusting days I lean more towards organised chaos - although very UN-slobbish, for the sake of world peace and few nights of them offering to babysit I'm determined to be on my bestest best, houseproud behavoiur... So who to turn to in my hour of need??... of course - the doyenne of housekeeping and home organisation Martha Stewart. So as of yesterday I'm following the SIX THINGS TO DO EVERYDAY, hopefully simple and effective!

Tres Organised...Image from Martha Stewart.com

1. Make the Bed - 'ladies and gents' as Martha says Tidiness begets tidiness. A crisp made bed make the whole room seem more orderly, which makes it less likely that you'll let other things - such as clothes and papers pile up around it.

2. Manage Clutter

3. Clean as you Cook

4. Sort the Mail

5.Wipe spills as while they are fresh

6. Sweep the kitchen floor

Wish me luck with the continuation of Non-hostile relations!