Woodland Wonderland...

Image from Design Sponge, originally uploaded by mollieandfinn.

Image from Design Sponge

Swoon - I love this woodland cottage / shack.

Also features my favourite flowers at the moment 'cone heads' .... I planted some in the front garden but they weather has been too wet and the lack of direct sun in the position they are in means they've all but died. Now the supplier has 'sold out' of coneheads so this rules out attempting to grow them in another part of the garden

Springs coming - time for some Garden Inspiration!

In Sydney we're in the last month of our 'winter' - which is more like early Autumn in the UK. The backyard is still in the midst of its make over, the spa has gone and the empty space has provided us with enough room for a little bit of lawn.
I'll post some before and after pictures in the next few weeks - but until then I've added some of the images that have provided some much needed garden inspiration. Hopefully by the start of spring next month we can enjoy the benefits of our hard work.