I Heart......

Owl Stories

by Annamaria Potamiti... sigh....

Dear Santa.....I would Like

This Fruit Fly Pie Pot

This Print by Sugar Loop

This Room and it's entire contents!
Image from the very lovely and inspiring "Small Space Style" Blog

This Keep Cup

For those of you (LIKE ME!) who've not even started writing your overseas christmas cards then there's still time - if you send an e-card....
Marie Curie UK has great E-cards for sale including some wonderful cards that have been designed by Cath Kidston, good for the environment and for good for supporting a great charity.

If your stumped for something to buy year in year out for the person in your life who's impossible to buy for or already has everything then hop onto Oxfam unwrapped - you'll be able to spend anywhere from $10 to $700 on something that is truely helpful and worthwhile, like these funky looking farmers packs for $94!

Enjoy your christmas shopping....

Couldn't Wait....

I couldn't wait any longer, even though it's not finished here are some images of our felt decorations in the making and the Christmas tree constructed out of fallen 'something' from the garden, driftwood, and garden twine.

Re. image above - the idea is to have he small circles will sit on the larger circles and held together by a button....

And here it is.....

'Le tree'

Yep, that thing on the right of the picture! Sans felt decorations but currently displaying one cute glass bauble from Country Road. It looks much grander in real life - I promise!

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